Services Waiver and Liability Agreement

I (the “Owner”) hereby represent that I am the legal owner of the dog described in the service request (the “Dog”) to be enrolled in Atlas Paws Inc. (“ATLAS PAWS”).

I, the undersigned, either physically or digitally, am satisfied that ATLAS PAWS facilities are maintained for the health, comfort, and protection of my animal(s).

I understand and agree that in admitting my dog(s), ATLAS PAWS has relied upon my representation that my dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog.

I hereby release ATLAS PAWS, its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, assistants, members and agents from any and all liability, claims, suits, actions, loss, injury or damage of any nature or kind, which I, the Dog and any third party or their pet may suffer, including specifically, but not without limitation, any accidents, injury, damage, loss or death of my animal at Public Spaces, on or off the premises at ATLAS PAWS whatsoever while in attendance and participation at ATLAS PAWS.

I allow ATLAS PAWS staff to contact my/a veterinarian as deemed necessary should any injuries require medical attention. I agree that I am responsible for any medical and legal responsibility for my pets' actions.

I authorize ATLAS PAWS staff to seek immediate veterinary care for my dog, if deemed necessary by ATLAS PAWS staff.

I understand that although all dogs are fully supervised that incidents of injuries may occur. This includes that my dog could receive bites, scrapes and scratches from his/her playmates.

I understand I am solely responsible for any harm caused by the Dog to another dog or person while they are under ATLAS PAWS care. If for any reason, ATLAS PAWS is unable to further care for the Dog, I must have an emergency contact be available to pick up and care for the Dog.

I represent that my dog is in good health, is current on all required vaccinations, and has not been ill with any known contagious diseases. A copy of all medical records will be submitted to ATLAS PAWS if requested at any time.

I understand that, while my dog is fully vaccinated, vaccines are not 100% fool proof and there is still a risk (albeit minimal) that my dog may contract a contagious virus/disease. I agree that should this occur I will not hold ATLAS PAWS accountable.

I agree to allow a 7 days waiting period after my dog has had his/her vaccinations to allow the vaccines to reach full protection potential and to ensure my dog has not had any negative reaction to the vaccines. Should I allow my dog to stay at ATLAS PAWS in a shorter than 7 days wait period from day of vaccinations, I understand that my dog could be at risk of contracting a contagious virus/disease.

I represent that my dog will be evaluated and deemed suitable for any of the services offered by ATLAS PAWS.

Although ATLAS PAWS carefully screens all applicants, the facility is occasionally discovered not to be an appropriate environment for every dog. ATLAS PAWS reserves the right to refuse service and permanently evict any dog at any time and for any reason without explanation.

I understand that if my dog is over the age of 7 months and is not spayed/neutered and is exhibiting Intact behavior or is in heat, ATLAS PAWS will contact me for immediate pick up.

I agree to disclose any previous or current medical issues/concerns of my dog so that ATLAS PAWS staff can decide on suitability for admittance.

I understand that when older pets or those suffering from chronic illness are groomed or placed into a facility with other animals, they could be susceptible to an increased amount of stress. The increased stress can cause latent physical conditions (such as, but not limited to, heart, liver and kidney disorders) to become active, which could result in illness or, in extreme cases, death. As the owner for your pet(s), you agree not to hold ATLAS PAWS, or its owners and operators, responsible for the illness or death of your pet(s) or for any expenses incurred because of the illness or death of your pet(s).

I understand that I must pay in full for care and services rendered before the Dog is released from ATLAS PAWS into my custody.

I understand that my dog must be licensed by the City of Toronto. ATLAS PAWS will not be responsible for bylaw infraction tickets during walks on public spaces.

I understand that cancelling a reservation within 24 hours will be subject to a cancellation fee, and it will be added to my account.

I understand that I am to walk the Dog in and out of the facility on a leash, and in a safe and expedient manner.

I agree that ATLAS PAWS is not responsible for any lost or stolen items that accompany my dog during daycare. I.e. jackets, booties, collars and leashes.

I understand that to maintain control and exhibit leadership in a larger group of unkennelled dogs, certain humane training and disciplinary methods may be used as the owners or staff of ATLAS PAWS see fit given the circumstances.

I authorize all grooming instructions given to ATLAS PAWS staff.

I understand that if my pet’s hair is matted, ATLAS PAWS will attempt to de-mat my pet. Additional fees for dematting are charged at a rate of $30 per 20 minutes and will be added to the base grooming fee. If my pet’s coat is severely matted and/or neglected, ATLAS PAWS can choose to shave down my pet, as that is considered the most humane course of action, as severe matting can cause dermatitis, skin irritation and other possible issues. Should my pet’s coat be severely matted, I am aware of the risks involved with shaving my pet as short as necessary to remove those mats, which could include skin irritation, minor nicks and stress. I will release ATLAS PAWS from any and all responsibility resulting from stripping my matted pet.

I understand that for my pet’s safety, it will be tethered using a non-tightening loop during the grooming process. I understand that if any injuries occur to my pet, which are the fault of my pet, I will be responsible for its medical expenses.

I understand that if any of the services is deemed unsatisfactory, notification must be given to ATLAS PAWS within 24 hours of my pet’s appointment so appropriate changes can be made. Any minor changes on grooming appointments can be made within 48 hours of the initial groom.

I agree that the Dog may be videotaped, photographed, and/or recorded. ATLAS PAWS shall be the exclusive owner to the results and all proceeds of such taping, photography, and recording.

I certify that I have read and understand the rules and regulations herein and that I have read and understand this agreement. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations and accept all terms, conditions, and statements of this agreement and confirm the truthfulness of the contents of the application form completed by me. I also confirm I am at least eighteen years of age.

Book today and give your pup the time of their life!

Give your furry friend the love, care, and pampering they deserve with a SPA Day!